Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Black Friday Early Release; Good or Bad?

I recently learned that some stores have decided to open their doors to the public for early release of sale priced items the day of Thanksgiving instead of early morning Friday as usual for the Black Friday Holiday sales. Is this breaking tradition? Will this benefit the company more than the customer or visa verse? 

So I thought I would ask and see what others felt about the early release of sales before the actual Black Friday sales begin? Is This a good idea or a bad idea. How do you think this will effect the buyers, but not only that, but how will it effect the companies themselves? Last year businesses such as Walmart and Target already shifted their available hours to an hour earlier than usual. Now, this year its not a time change, its a date change! 

Stores such as Kmart, Old Navy, and Toys R Us will all be opening their doors for early sale shopping the day of Thanksgiving. Each store will open at different times of the day Thanksgiving and some stores including Kmart will stay open for an extended period of time (41 hours straight). Some are presenting that they will have more success opening a day early because instead of the buyers having to wake up extremely early Friday morning and wait in long lines, you can start your holiday sale shopping the night before the Black Friday clock starts. Again, what are some thoughts on this new plan for the sales? 

Do you think making more convenience to the customer will bring in more profit to the business? It may take away from the holiday and the spending time with your loved ones to make these sales that Thursday night, so it's a hard choice to make. Might need to be a once in a LONG time kind of deal! ;) 

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